XS712T Smart Switch
• Create a LAG, add selected ports to a LAG, then add LAG to the newly created VLAN.
• Ena
ble tagging on selected ports if the port is in another VLAN. Disable tagging if a
selected port does not exist in another VLAN.
• Exclude po
rts not selected from the VLAN.
• Ena
ble routing on the VLAN using the IP address and subnet mask entered.
To configure VLAN routing using the VLAN routing wizard:
1. Click Routing
VLAN > VLAN Routing Wizard.
2. Enter the VLAN Identifier (VID) associated with this VLAN in the Vlan ID field. The range of
the VLAN ID is (1 to 4093).
The Ports fields displays select
able physical ports (when a unit is selected) and LAGs (if
any). Selected ports will be added to the Routing VLAN. Each port has three modes:
• T
(Tagged). Select the ports on which all frames transmitted for this VLAN will be
tagged. The ports that are selected will be included in the VLAN.
• U(Unt
agged). Select the ports on which all frames transmitted for this VLAN will be
untagged. The ports that are selected will be included in the VLAN.
• BLANK(Autodetect). Select the
ports that can be dynamically registered in this
VLAN via GVRP. This selection has the effect of excluding a port from the selected
3. Defin
e the IP address of the VLAN interface in the IP Address field.
4. Defin
e the subnet mask of the VLAN interface in the Network Mask field.
5. Click App