XS712T Smart Switch
responsibility for accepting or dropping the packets belongs to the hosts. If a multicast
packet is received and there are ports registered to receive it, the packet is sent only
to the registered ports.
• Forwa
rd All. All multicast packets received from a VLAN are flooded to all ports in the
VLAN, regardless of port registrations to multicast addresses.
• Filter Unregiste
red. If a packet is received from a VLAN for a multicast destination
address and no ports in the VLAN are registered to receive multicast packets for that
address, then the packets are dropped.
4. Click Refresh to ref
resh the web screen to show the latest DHCP bindings information.
5. Click Apply to
send the updated configuration to the switch.
Configuration changes take effect immediately.
MFDB Table
The Multicast Forwarding Database (MFDB) holds the port membership information for all
active multicast address entries. The key for an entry consists of a VLAN ID and MAC
address pair. Entries can contain data for more than one protocol.
To search the MFDB table:
1. Select Switc
hing Multicast MFDB MFDB Table.
2. Next to Search By MAC Address, specify the MAC Address whose MFDB table entry you
want to view.
Enter six two-digit hexadecimal numbers se
parated by colons, for example
3. Click on th
e Go button.
If the address exists, that entry will be displaye
d. An exact match is required.
The MFDB Table screen displays the following:
• MAC Address.
The multicast MAC address for which you requested data.
The VLAN ID to which the multicast MAC address is related.
• Componen
t. This is the component that is responsible for this entry in the Multicast
Forwarding Database. Possible values are IGMP Snooping, GMRP, Static Filtering
and MLD Snooping.