XS712T Smart Switch
3. Next to the Client Mode field, select Unicast or Broadcast:
• Unic
ast. SNTP operates in a point-to-point fashion. A unicast client sends a request
to a designated server at its unicast address and expects a reply from which it can
determine the time and, optionally the round-trip delay and local clock offset relative
to the server.
• Broadc
ast. SNTP operates in the same manner as multicast mode but uses a local
broadcast address instead of a multicast address. The broadcast address has a
single subnet scope while a multicast address has Internet wide scope.
4. Opt
ionally, configure the following settings to non-default values:
• Port. T
he local UDP port to listen for responses/broadcasts.
• Unic
ast Poll Interval. The interval, in seconds, between unicast poll requests
expressed as a power of two when configured in unicast mode.
• Broadc
ast Poll Interval. The interval, in seconds, between broadcast poll requests
expressed as a power of two when configured in broadcast mode. Broadcasts
received prior to the expiry of this interval are discarded.
• Unic
ast Poll Timeout. The timeout value, in seconds, to wait for an SNTP response
when configured in unicast mode.
• Unic
ast Poll Retry. The number of times to retry a request to an SNTP server after
the first time-out before attempting to use the next configured server when configured
in unicast mode.