XS712T Smart Switch
TFTP File Upload
Use the TFTP File Upload screen to upload configuration (ASCII), log (ASCII), and image
(binary) files from the switch to a TFTP server on the network.
To upload a file from the switch to the TFTP server:
1. Select Ma
intenance Upload TFTP File Upload.
2. Use the File Type menu to specify the type of file you want to upload:
• Archiv
e. Retrieve the image from the operational flash.
• T
ext Configuration. Retrieve the stored text configuration.
• Error Log. Retrieve
the system error (persistent) log, sometimes referred to as the
event log.
• T
rap Log. Retrieve the system trap records.
• Buffe
red Log. Retrieve the system buffered (in-memory) log. The factory default is
3. Select
the image from the Image Name field.
4. From the Se
rver Address Type field, specify the format to use for the address you type in
the TFTP Server Address field:
• IP
v4. Indicates the TFTP server address is an IP address in dotted-decimal format.
• DNS. Ind
icates the TFTP server address is a hostname.
5. In the Server Add
ress field, specify the IP address or hostname of the TFTP server.
The address you type must be in the format indicated by the TFTP Server Address Type.
6. In
the Transfer File Path field, specify the path on the TFTP server where you want to put
the file.
You can enter up to 32 characters. Include the backslash at the end of the path. A path
ame with a space is not accepted. Leave this field blank to save the file to the root TFTP
7. In the T
ransfer File Name field, specify a destination file name for the file to upload.
You can enter up to 32 characters. The transfer fails if you do not specify a file name. For a
transfer, use an .stk file extension.