
XS712T Smart Switch
ACL Based on Destination IPv6 L4 Port. Use this to create an ACL based on the
destination IPv6 layer4 port number.
ACL Based on Source IPv6 L4 Port. Use this to create an ACL based on the source
IPv6 layer4 port number.
3. In the Rule ID field, enter a whole number in the range of (1 to 10) that will be used to
identify the rule.
4. In the Action field, specify what action should be taken if a packet matches the rule's criteria.
The choices are permit or deny.
5. In the Match Every field, specify True or False.
6. In the Destination MAC field, specify the destination MAC address to compare against an
Ethernet frame. Valid format is (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx).
The BPDU keyword can be specified using a Destination MAC address of 01:80:C2:xx:xx:xx.
7. In the Destination MAC Mask field, specify the destination MAC address mask specifying
which bits in the destination MAC to compare against an Ethernet frame.
Valid format is (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx). The BPDU keyword can be specified using a
Destination MAC mask of 00:00:00:ff:ff:ff.
8. The VLAN specifies the VLAN ID to compare against an Ethernet frame.
Valid range of values is (1 to 4095). Either VLAN Range or VLAN can be configured.
9. In the Binding Configuration area, specify the packet filtering direction for an ACL in the
Direction field.
Valid direction is Inbound only.
10. In the Port Selection Table area, specify the list of all available valid interfaces for ACL
All non-routing physical interfaces and interfaces participating in LAG are listed.
11. To add a new rule to the ACL based on destination MAC, select the check box next to the
Name field, then click Add.
12. Click Apply.
To remove a rule:
1. Select the rule to remove.
2. Click Delete.