XS712T Smart Switch
Green Ethernet Summary
This screen summarizes the Green Ethernet Summary settings currently in use. To access
this screen, select System
Management Green Ethernet Green Ethernet Summary.
A screen similar to the following displays.
Tx Low Power Idle Duration (uSec) The amount of time (in 10 microsecond increments) the
link partner has spent in a low-power idle state.
Tw_sys_tx (uSec) The value of Tw_sys that the local system can support.
This value is updated by the EEE DLL Transmitter state
Tw_sys_tx Echo (uSec) The remote system's transmit Tw_sys that was used by
the local system to compute the Tw_sys that it wants to
request from the remote system.
Tw_sys_rx (uSec) The value of Tw_sys that the local system requests from
the remote system. This value is updated by the EEE
Receiver L2 state diagram.
Tw_sys_rx Echo (uSec) The value of the remote system’s receive Tw_sys that
was used by the local system to compute the Tw_sys that
it can support
Fallback Tw_sys (uSec) The value of fallback Tw_sys that the local system
requests from the remote system. This value is updated
by the local system software.
Tx_dll_enabled The initialization status of the EEE transmit Data Link
Layer management function on the local system.
Tx_dll_ready The transmit Data Link Layer ready status. This variable
indicates that the tx system initialization is complete and
is ready to update/receive LLDPDU containing EEE TLV.
This variable is updated by the local system software.
Rx_dll_enabled The status of the EEE capability negotiation on the local
Rx_dll_ready The receive Data Link Layer ready status. This variable
indicates that the rx system initialization is complete and
is ready to update/receive LLDPDU containing EEE TLV.
This variable is updated by the local system
Time Since Counters Last Cleared The amount of time that has passed since the Green
Ethernet information for this port was last cleared.
Table 9. Green Ethernet local device information (Continued)
Field Description