XS712T Smart Switch
Note: Click current members in the list to see existing member ports in that
• LA
G Name. Specify the name you want assigned to the LAG. You can enter any
string of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. A valid name has to be specified in order
to create the LAG
• Description. S
pecify the Description string to be attached to a LAG. It can be up to 64
characters in length.
• LA
G ID. Displays the number assigned to the LAG. This field is read-only.
• L
ink Trap. Specify whether you want to have a trap sent when link status changes.
The factory default is Disable, which will cause the trap to be sent.
• Adm
in Mode. Select Enable or Disable from the menu. When the LAG (port channel)
is disabled, no traffic will flow and LAGPDUs will be dropped, but the links that form
the LAG (port channel) will not be released. The factory default is Enable.
• STP Mode. Se
lect the Spanning Tree Protocol Administrative Mode associated with
the LAG.
• L
AG Type. Specifies whether the LAG is configured as a Static or LACP port. When
the LAG is static, it does not transmit or process received LAGPDUs, for example the
member ports do not transmit LAGPDUs and all the LAGPDUs it can receive are
dropped. The default is Static.
• Acti
ve Ports. A listing of the ports that are actively participating members of this Port
Channel. A maximum of 8 ports can be assigned to a port channel.
• LA
G State. Indicates whether the link is Up or Down.
• L
ocal Preference Mode. Enables or disables the LAG interface's Local Preference
4. Click App
LAG Membership
Use the LAG Membership screen to select two or more full-duplex Ethernet links to be
aggregated together to form a link aggregation group (LAG), which is also known as a
port-channel. The switch can treat the port-channel as if it were a single link.
To create a LAG:
1. Select Switch
ing LAG Basic LAG Membership.
2. From the LAG ID field, select the LAG to configure.