
XS712T Smart Switch
3. View the information associated with the IGMP snooping table entry.
The following table describes the information in the IGMP snooping table.
Field Description
MAC Address A multicast MAC address for which the switch has fo
and/or filtering information. The format is 6 two-digit hexadecimal
numbers that are separated by colons, for example,
VLAN ID A VLAN ID for which the switch has fo
rwarding and filtering
Type This displays the type of the entry. S
tatic entries are those that are
configured by the end user. Dynamic entries are added to the table
as a result of a learning process or protocol.
Description The text description of this multicast table entry. Possible values
are Man
agement Configured, Network Configured, and
Network Assisted.
Interface The list of interfaces that are desig
nated for forwarding (Fwd) and
filtering (Flt) for the associated address.
Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to perform the following actions:
Click Clear t
o clear one or all of the IGMP Snooping entries.
Click Refresh to reload th
e screen and display the most current information.
IGMP Snooping VLAN Configuration
Use the IGMP Snooping VLAN Configuration screen to configure IGMP snooping settings for
VLANs on the system.
To configure IGMP snooping settings for VLANs:
1. Select Sw
itching Multicast IGMP Snooping IGMP Snooping VLAN Configuration.
2. Enter the VLAN ID in the appropriate field and configure the IGMP Snooping values:
Fast L
eave Admin Mode. Enable or disable the IGMP Snooping Fast Leave Mode
for the specified VLAN ID. Enabling fast-leave allows the switch to immediately
remove the Layer 2 LAN interface from its forwarding table entry upon receiving an
IGMP leave message for that multicast group without first sending out MAC-based
general queries to the interface.You should enable fast-leave admin mode only on
VLANs where only one host is connected to each layer 2 LAN port. This prevents the
inadvertent dropping of the other hosts that were connected to the same layer 2 LAN