XS712T Smart Switch
IP Configuration
Use the IP Configuration screen to configure network information for the management
interface, which is the logical interface used for in-band connectivity with the switch through
any of the switch's front-panel ports. The configuration parameters associated with the
switch’s network interface do not affect the configuration of the front panel ports through
which traffic is switched or routed.
To configure the network information for the management interface:
1. Select System
Management IP Configuration.
The IP Configuration screen displays.
2. Select the appropriate radio button to determine how to configure the network information for
the switch management interface:
• Dyn
amic IP Address (DHCP). Specifies that the switch must obtain the IP address
through a DHCP server.
• Dyn
amic IP Address (BOOTP). Specifies that the switch must obtain the IP address
through a BootP server.
• S
tatic IP Address. Specifies that the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway
must be manually configured. Enter this information in the fields below this radio
3. If you se
lected the Static IP Address option, configure the following network information:
• IP
Address. The IP address of the network interface. The factory default value is Each part of the IP address must start with a number other than zero.
For example, IP addresses and are not valid.
• Sub
net Mask. The IP subnet mask for the interface. The factory default value is
• Default Gateway.
The default gateway for the IP interface. The factory default value