Vision Fitness Simple and Deluxe Treadmill User Manual

To reap the most cardiovascular benefits from your workout, it is necessary
to exercise within a recommended intensity. The two ways to monitor
exercise intensity are Target Heart Rate and Perceived Exertion.
Target Heart Rate is a percentage of your maximum heart rate. Target
Heart Rate will vary for each individual, depending on age, current level
of conditioning, and personal fitness goals. Exercise heart rate should
range from 55% to 85% of your maximum heart rate. As a point of
reference, we use the predicted maximum heart rate formula of (220
minus age) to determine your heart rate training zone. Please use the
following chart to determine your predicted Target Heart Rate.
If you are a 30-year-old, your predicted maximum heart rate is 190 based
on the (220 minus age) formula.
220 – 30 = 190
Based on the chart above, your heart rate training zone is 104 to 161,
which is 55%–85% of 190.