Feedback Benefit
Tempo training+ Great pace in a long session! You improved your aerobic fitness,
speed, and ability to sustain high intensity effort for longer. This
session also increased your resistance to fatigue.
Tempo training Great pace! You improved your aerobic fitness, speed, and ability
to sustain high intensity effort for longer.
Tempo & Steady state training Good pace! You improved your ability to sustain high intensity
effort for longer. This session also developed your aerobic fitness
and the endurance of your muscles.
Steady state & Tempo training Good pace! You improved your aerobic fitness and the endurance
of your muscles. This session also developed your ability to sus-
tain high intensity effort for longer.
Steady state training + Excellent! This long session improved the endurance of your
muscles and your aerobic fitness. It also increased your res-
istance to fatigue.
Steady state training Excellent! You improved the endurance of your muscles and your
aerobic fitness.
Steady state & Basic training, long Excellent! This long session improved the endurance of your
muscles and your aerobic fitness. It also developed your basic
endurance and your body's ability to burn fat during exercise.
Steady state & Basic training Excellent! You improved the endurance of your muscles and your
aerobic fitness. This session also developed your basic endurance
and your body's ability to burn fat during exercise.
Basic & Steady state training, long Great! This long session improved your basic endurance and your
body's ability to burn fat during exercise. It also developed the
endurance of your muscles and your aerobic fitness.
Basic & Steady state training Great! You improved your basic endurance and your body's ability
to burn fat during exercise. This session also developed the endur-
ance of your muscles and your aerobic fitness.
Basic training, long Great! This long, low intensity session improved your basic endur-
ance and your body's ability to burn fat during exercise.
Basic training Well done! This low intensity session improved your basic endur-
ance and your body's ability to burn fat during exercise.