Aerobic fitness norms for males and females aged 6 to 75 years: a review. Aviat Space Environ Med; 61:3-11,
A clear link exists between maximal oxygen consumption (VO2
) of the body and cardiorespiratory fitness
because oxygen delivery to tissues is dependent on lung and heart function. VO2
(maximal oxygen
uptake, maximal aerobic power) is the maximal rate at which oxygen can be used by the body during maximal
exercise; it is related directly to the maximal capacity of the heart to deliver blood to the muscles. VO2
be measured or predicted by fitness tests (e.g. maximal exercise tests, submaximal exercise tests, Polar Fit-
ness Test). VO2
is a good index of cardiorespiratory fitness and a good predictor of performance capability
in endurance events such as distance running, cycling, cross-country skiing, and swimming.
can be expressed either as milliliters per minute (ml/min = ml ■ min-1) or this value can be divided by
the person’s body weight in kilograms (ml/kg/min = ml ■ kg-1■ min-1).
Training Benefit gives you textual feedback on your performance for each training session helping you better
understand the effectiveness of your training. You can see the feedback in Flow app and Flow web service.
To get the feedback, you need to have trained at least a total of 10 minutes in the heart rate zones. Training
Benefit feedback is based on heart rate zones. It reads into how much time you spend and how many calories
you burn in each zone.
The descriptions of different training benefit options are listed in the table below
Feedback Benefit
Maximum training+ That was a hard session! You improved your sprint speed and the
nervous system of your muscles, which make you more efficient.
This session also increased your resistance to fatigue.
Maximum training That was a hard session! You improved your sprint speed and the
nervous system of your muscles, which make you more efficient.
Maximum & Tempo training What a session! You improved your speed and efficiency. This
session also significantly developed your aerobic fitness and your
ability to sustain high intensity effort for longer.
Tempo & Maximum training What a session! You significantly improved your aerobic fitness
and your ability to sustain high intensity effort for longer. This ses-
sion also developed your speed and efficiency.