ERC Protocol
3-16 Defibrillating in AED Mode
ERC Protocol
The HeartStart XLT can be configured to support the European Resuscitation
Council (ERC) Guidelines for Resuscitation (1998). If (XURSHDQ3URWRFRl is con-
figured to 2Q, the defibrillation process described in this chapter is the same,
with the exception of how the Pause state functions (see “Pausing for CPR”
on 3-12).
As described, you can enter a Pause state:
at the completion of a shock series, or
when no shock is advised
When either of these events occurs, the ERC protocol prompts you to Check
Patient. Then it prompts you as follows:
Figure 3-14
NOTE Using the ERC protocol, you are not prompted to (or given time to) check the
patient’s pulse.
Shocks: 1
If Needed
And Begin CPR