M3500B HeartStart XLT Defibrillator/Monitor 3-1
3 Defibrillating in AED Mode
The HeartStart XLT’s AED Mode is designed to guide you through standard
treatment algorithms for cardiac arrest, including those provided by the Amer-
ican Heart Association and the European Resuscitation Council. Configura-
tion choices allow you to customize AED Mode to better follow a specific
treatment algorithm and to meet the unique needs of your life-saving team.
This chapter describes how to use the HeartStart XLT to defibrillate in AED
Mode. It explains the prompts that guide you through the defibrillation pro-
cess and describes how prompts vary depending upon the condition of the
patient and the configuration of your device.
For information on printing, storing, and retrieving patient information
acquired in AED Mode, see Chapter 9.