M3500B HeartStart XLT Defibrillator/Monitor 13-5
Display Size: 96 mm x 72 mm.
Display Type: Transflective active matrix LCD with LED backlight.
Display Resolution: 320 x 240 pixels.
Sweep Speed: 25 mm/s nominal (stationary trace; sweeping erase bar).
Viewing Time: 4 seconds.
Thermal Array Printer
Continuous Real Time Strip: User starts and stops the print strip. The Print
Strip prints the selected ECG lead with the following data:
HEADER 1: Date, Time, Heart Rate, the SpO
Value (if available), and
the text "Delayed" if the recording has been configured for Delayed Mode.
Prints every 12 seconds.
HEADER 2: Current mode (AED/Manual) the current Lead, the current
Gain, filter setting, the text "Sync" if Sync has been enabled, and the Pacer
Settings (consisting of the Pacer Mode, Rate, and Current (if currently pac-
ing the patient). Prints every 12 seconds, with Header 1.
HEADER 3: Changes in Mode, Gain, Lead, Sync, and Pacer Settings.
FOOTER: Drug Annotations, HR/SpO
limits on a Limit Alarm, the
Results of an Analysis in AED Mode (No Shock Advised, Shock Advised,
or Cannot Analyze), Charging to xxxJ, Shock Delivered, No Shock Deliv-
ered, Disarm, Battery Low, Battery Critical.
SYMBOLS: Mark Triangle (for presses of the Mark key), an Alarm Bell
(Alarm Limit Violations), Lightening Bolt (Shock Delivered), Vertical
stripe Boundries/Pacer/Sync Tick Marks).
Event Printing: Mark Event key automatically documents events and ECG
during defibrillation episodes. The Mark Event key can annotate the event
with one of the following labels: Epinephrine, Atropine, Lidocaine, and