Cateye Q3 Watch User Manual

Setting sound (SOUND) ...................58
Settings to be changed from your PC
Setting the alarm clock (ALARM) .....50
Setting the auto-mode
(AUTO MODE) ..................................57
Setting the clock/date
(CLOCK DATE) .................................49
Setting the measurement unit
(UNITS) ............................................54
Setting the record interval
(SAMPLE RATE) ..............................55
Setting the target heart rate zones
(HR ZONE) .......................................36
Setting the tire circumference
(TIRE) ..............................................51
Setting the training function
(CD.TIMER) .....................................35
Setup mode (SETUP) .......................48
Spare accessories ............................69
Specifications ...................................72
Split time ..........................................30
Sports mode (SPORTS) ...................24
Starting/Stopping measurement ......25
Stop reminder ..................................26
Switching between modes ...............21
Target heart rate zone ................34, 59
Tire circumference ...........................16
Tire circumference reference table ...16
Total trip distance/total elapsed
time entry (TOTAL DATA) ................56
Training for competition ...................62
Training function ..............................31
Transmission sleep mode ................22
Trouble shooting ..............................64
Use of the target zone ......................63
Viewing the contents in a file ...........41
Viewing the lap data .........................43
Water resistance ..............................67
Wristwatch memory capacity limit ...39