IPv4 and IPv6 Internet and WAN Settings
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Configure a Static IPv6 Internet Connection
To configure a static IPv6 or PPPoE IPv6 Internet connection, you need to enter the IPv6
address information that you should have received from your ISP.
To configure static IPv6 ISP settings for a WAN interface:
1. Select Network Configuratio
n > WAN Settings > WAN Setup.
2. In the upper
right of the screen, select the IPv6 radio button. The WAN Setup screen
displays the IPv6 settings:
Figure 31.
The IPv6 WAN Settings table displays the following fields:
• WA
N. The WAN interface (WAN1, WAN2, WAN3, and WAN4).
• S
tatus. The status of the WAN interface (UP or DOWN).
• W
AN IP. The IPv6 address of the WAN interface.
• Action. Th
e Edit table button provides access to the WAN IPv6 ISP Settings screen
(see Step 3) for the corresponding WAN interface; the Status button provides access
to the Connection Status screen (see Step 7) for the corresponding WAN interface.
3. Click the Edit
table button in the Action column of the WAN interface for which you want to
automatically configure the connection to the Internet. The WAN IPv6 ISP Settings screen
displays. (The following figure shows the WAN2 IPv6 ISP Settings screen as an example.)