
LAN Configuration
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4. Click Apply to save your settings. The new static route is added to the Static Routes table.
To edit an IPv4 static route:
1. On
the Static Routing screen for IPv4 (see Figure 66 on page 123), click the Edit button
in the Action column for the route that you want to modify. The Edit Static Route screen
ys. This screen is identical to the Add Static Route screen (see the previous
2. Modif
y the settings as explained in the previous table.
3. Click Apply to save
your settings.
To delete one or more routes:
1. On
the Static Routing screen for IPv4 (see Figure 66 on page 123), select the check box
to the left of each route that you want to delete, or click the Se
lect All table button to
select all routes.
2. Click the Delete t
able button.
Configure the Routing Information Protocol
Routing Information Protocol (RIP), RFC 2453, is an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) that is
commonly used in internal IPv4 networks (LANs). RIP enables a router to exchange its
routing information automatically with other routers, to dynamically adjust its routing tables,
and to adapt to changes in the network. RIP is disabled by default. RIP does not apply to
To enable and configure RIP:
1. Select Netwo
rk Configuration > Routing. In the upper right of the screen, the IPv4
radio button is selected by default. The Static Routing screen displays the IPv4 settings
(see Figure 66 on p
age 123).
2. Click the RIP
Configuration option arrow to the right of the Static Routing submenu tab. The
RIP Configuration screen displays. (The following figure contains some examples.)
Gateway IP Address The gateway IP address through which the destination host or network can be
Metric The priority of the route. Select a value between 2 and 15. If multiple routes to the
same destination exist, the route with the lowest metric is used.
Table 28. Add Static Route screen settings for IPv4 (continued)
Setting Description