Manage Users, Authentication, and VPN Certificates
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Authentication Type
Note: If you select
y type of RADIUS
authentication, make
sure that one or more
RADIUS servers are
configured (see
RADIUS Client and
Server Configuration
on page 241).
• Ra
dius-CHAP. RADIUS Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).
Complete the following fields:
- Authentication Server
- Authentication Secret
• Radius-MSCHAP. RADIUS Microso
ft CHAP. Complete the following fields:
- Authentication Server
- Authentication Secret
• Ra
dius-MSCHAPv2. RADIUS Microsoft CHAP version 2. Complete the following
- Authentication Server
- Authentication Secret
AP. WiKID Systems PAP. Complete the following fields:
- Authentication Server
- Authentication Secret
KID Systems CHAP. Complete the following fields:
- Authentication Server
- Authentication Secret
AP. Microsoft Internet Authentication Service (MIAS) PAP. Complete the
following fields:
- Authentication Server
- Authentication Secret
P. Microsoft Internet Authentication Service (MIAS) CHAP. Complete
the following fields:
- Authentication Server
- Authentication Secret
• NT Domain. Microso
ft Windows NT Domain. Complete the following fields:
- Authentication Server
- Workgroup
• Active
Directory. Microsoft Active Directory. Complete the following fields, and
make a selection from the LDAP Encryption drop-down list:
- Authentication Server
- Active Directory Domain
• LD
AP. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). Complete the following
fields, and make a selection from the LDAP Encryption drop-down list:
- Authentication Server
- LDAP Base DN
Select Portal The portal that is assigned to this domain and
that is presented to the user to enter
credentials. The default portal is SSL-VPN.
Authentication Server The server IP address or server name of the authentication server for any type of
authentication other than authentication through the local user database.
Authentication Secret The authentication secret or password that is re
quired to access the authentication
server for RADIUS, WiKID, or MIAS authentication.
Workgroup The workgroup that is required for Microsoft NT Domain authentication.
Table 75. Add Domain screen settings (continued)
Setting Description