Network and System Management
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
To delete one or more SNMP configurations:
1. On the SNMP screen (see Figure 217 on page 335), select the check box to the left of
each SNMP configuration that you want to delete, or click the Se
lect All table button to
select all SNMP configurations.
2. Click the Del
ete table button.
To edit the SNMPv3 default users:
1. On
the SNMP screen (see Figure 217 on page 335), click the Edit button in the Action
column of the SNMPv3 User table for the SNMPv3 d
efault user that you want to modify.
The Edit User screen displays:
Figure 219.
2. Configure the settings as explained in the following table:
Table 84. Edit User screen settings for SNMPv3 users
Setting Description
Username The default user name (admin or guest) for information only.
Access Type The default access type (RWUSER or ROUSER) for information only.
Security Level From the drop-down list, select the security level
for communication between
the SNMPv3 user and the SNMP agent that collects the MIB objects from the
VPN firewall:
• N
oAuthNoPriv. Both authentication and privacy are disabled. This is the
default setting.
• Au
thNoPriv. Authentication is enabled but privacy is disabled. Make a
selection from the Authentication Algorithm drop-down list and enter an
authentication password.
• AuthPriv.
Authentication and privacy are enabled. Make a selection from the
Authentication Algorithm drop-down list and enter an authentication
password. In addition, make a selection from the Privacy Algorithm
drop-down list and enter a privacy password.
Authentication Algorithm From the drop-down list, select the protocol
for authenticating an SNMPv3 user:
• MD5. Message
Digest 5. This is a hash algorithm that produces a 128-bit
• SHA1. Secure
Hash Algorithm 1. This is a hash algorithm that produces a
160-bit digest.