Network and System Management
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Select the Firmware and Reboot the VPN Firewall
After you have upgraded the firmware, the newly installed firmware is the active firmware,
and the previously installed firmware has become the secondary firmware. However, you can
still revert to the secondary firmware.
On the Settings Backup and Firmware Upgrade screen (see Figure 221 on
page 339), the
Firmware Reboot section shows the following information fields for both the active and
(that is, nonactive) firmware:
• T
ype. Active or secondary firmware.
• Ve
rsion. The firmware version.
• S
tatus. The status of the firmware (OK or Corrupted).
To reboot the VPN firewall with a different firmware version:
1. On th
e Settings Backup and Firmware Upgrade screen (see Figure 221 on page 339), in
the Firmware Reboot section, select the Activation radio button to the left of the firmware
type (Act
ive or Secondary) that you want to load onto the VPN firewall.
2. Click Rebo
The VPN firewall reboots. During the reboot proce
ss, the Settings Backup and Firmware
Upgrade screen might remain visible, or a status message with a counter might show the
number of seconds left until the reboot process is complete. The reboot process takes about
160 seconds. (If you can see the unit: The reboot process is complete when the Test LED on
the front panel goes off.)
After you have started the firmware installation process, do not
interrupt the process. Do not try to go online, turn off the VPN
firewall, or do anything else to the VPN firewall until the settings
have been fully restored.
3. When the reboot process is complete, log in to the VPN firewall again. (If you can see the
unit: The reboot process is complete when the Test LED on the front panel goes off.)
4. Select Monitoring.
The Router Status screen displays, showing the selected firmware
version in the System Info section of the screen.
Configure Date and Time Service
Configure date, time, and NTP server designations on the System Date & Time screen.
Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a protocol that is used to synchronize computer clock times
in a network of computers. Setting the correct system time and time zone ensures that the
date and time recorded in the VPN firewall logs and reports are accurate.