Firewall Protection
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Set a Schedule to Block or Allow Specific Traffic
Schedules define the time frames under which firewall rules can be applied. Three
schedules, Schedule 1, Schedule 2, and Schedule 3, can be defined, and you can select any
one of these when defining firewall rules.
To set a schedule:
1. Select Se
curity > Services > Schedule 1. The Schedule 1 screen displays:
Figure 110.
2. In the Scheduled Days section, select one of the following radio buttons:
• All Day
s. The schedule is in effect all days of the week.
• S
pecific Days. The schedule is in effect only on specific days. To the right of the
radio buttons, select the check box for each day that you want the schedule to be in
3. In the Sche
duled Time of Day section, select one of the following radio buttons:
• All Day. T
he schedule is in effect all hours of the selected day or days.
• S
pecific Times. The schedule is in effect only during specific hours of the selected
day or days. To the right of the radio buttons, fill in the Start Time and End Time fields
(Hour, Minute, AM/PM) during which the schedule is in effect.
4. Click App
ly to save your settings to Schedule 1.
Repeat these steps to set to a schedule for Schedule 2 and Schedule 3.