IPv4 and IPv6 Internet and WAN Settings
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
After you have configured secondary WAN addresses, these addresses are displayed on the
following firewall rule screens:
• In the WAN Destination IP Address drop-down lists of the following inbound firewall rule
- Add
LAN WAN Inbound Service screen
- Add
DMZ WAN Inbound Service screen
• In th
e NAT IP drop-down lists of the following outbound firewall rule screens:
- Add
LAN WAN Outbound Service screen
- Add
DMZ WAN Outbound Service screen
For more information about firewall rules, see Overview of Rules to Block or Allow Specific
Kinds of Traffic on page 131).
Note: It is important that you ensure that any secondary WAN addresses are
different from the primary WAN, LAN, and DMZ IP addresses that are
already configured on the VPN firewall. However, primary and
secondary WAN addresses can be in the same subnet.
The following is an example of correctly configured IP addresses:
Primary WAN1 IP address: with subnet
Secondary WAN1 IP: with subnet
Primary WAN2 IP address: with subnet
Secondary WAN2 IP: with subnet
DMZ IP address: with subnet
Primary LAN IP address: with subnet
Secondary LAN IP: with subnet
To add a secondary WAN address to a WAN port:
1. Select Network Co
nfiguration > WAN Settings > WAN Setup. In the upper right of the
screen, the IPv4 radio button is selected by default. The WAN Setup screen displays the
IPv4 settings (see Figure 11 on p
age 30).
2. Click the Edit
table button in the Action column of the WAN interface for which you want to
add a secondary WAN address. The WAN IPv4 ISP Settings screen displays (see Figure 12
on page 31, which shows the WAN2 IPv4 ISP Settings screen as an example).
3. Click the Sec
ondary Addresses option arrow in the upper right of the screen. The WAN
Secondary Addresses screen displays for the WAN interface that you selected. (The
following figure shows the WAN1 Secondary Addresses screen as an example and includes
one entry in the List of Secondary WAN addresses table.)