ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Web Management Interface Menu Layout
The following figure shows the menu at the top the web management interface:
Figure 7.
The web management interface menu consists of the following components:
• 1
st level: Main navigation menu links. The main navigation menu in the orange bar
across the top of the web management interface provides access to all the configuration
functions of the VPN firewall, and remains constant. When you select a main navigation
menu link, the letters are displayed in white against an orange background.
• 2
nd level: Configuration menu links. The configuration menu links in the gray bar
(immediately below the main navigation menu bar) change according to the main
navigation menu link that you select. When you select a configuration menu link, the
letters are displayed in white against a gray background.
• 3
rd level: Submenu tabs. Each configuration menu item has one or more submenu tabs
that are listed below the gray menu bar. When you select a submenu tab, the text is
displayed in white against a blue background.
• Option arrows. If there
are additional screens for the submenu item, links to the screens
display on the right side in blue letters against a white background, preceded by a white
arrow in a blue circle.
• I
P radio buttons. The IPv4 and IPv6 radio buttons let you select the IP version for the
feature to be configured onscreen. There are four options:
- Both
buttons are operational. You can configure the feature onscreen
for IPv4 functionality or for IPv6 functionality
. After you have correctly configured the
feature for both IP versions, the feature can function with both IP versions
- T
he IPv4 button is operational but the IPv6 button is disabled. You
can configure the feature onscreen for IPv4 functionality only.
1st level: Main navigation menu link (orange)
2nd level: Configuration menu link (gray)
3rd level: Submenu tab (blue)
Option arrows: Additional screen for submenu item
IP radio buttons