Network and System Management
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Select NTP Mode In all three NTP modes, the VPN firewall functions both as a client and a server.
The VPN firewall synchronizes its clock with the specified NTP server or
servers and provides time service to clients. From the drop-down list, select the
NTP mode:
• Au
thoritative Mode. The VPN firewall synchronizes its clock with the
specified NTP server or servers on the Internet. If external servers are
unreachable, the VPN firewall’s RTC provides time service to clients. In
authoritative mode, you can enter a stratum value and set the date and time
• Sync to NTP Servers on Internet. The VP
N firewall synchronizes its clock
with the specified NTP server or servers on the Internet. If external servers
are unreachable, the VPN firewall does not use its RTC.
• Sync to NTP Servers on VPN. T
he VPN firewall synchronizes its clock with
the specified NTP server on the VPN. If the server is unreachable, the VPN
firewall does not use its RTC. You need to select a VPN policy that enables
the VPN firewall to contact the NTP server on the VPN.
Select Stratum In authoritative mode, enter a stratum value,
hich indicates the distance from a reference
clock. The default value is 10, which specifies an
unsynchronized local clock and causes NTP to
use the VPN firewall’s RTC when the specified
NTP server is not available.
Set date and time manually This is an optional setting that is available in
uthoritative mode. Select the check box to
unmask the time (hour, minute, second), Day,
Month, and Year fields. Enter the date and time.
Select VPN Policy When the VPN firewall is configured to
ronize to an NTP server on the VPN,
select the VPN policy from the drop-down list.
For information about configuring VPN policies,
see Manage VPN Policies on p
age 231.
NTP Servers (default or
Select one of the following radio buttons to specify the NTP servers:
• Use Defa
ult NTP Servers. The VPN firewall regularly updates its RTC by
contacting a default NETGEAR NTP server on the Internet.
• Use C
ustom NTP Servers. The VPN firewall regularly updates its RTC by
contacting one of two custom NTP servers (primary and backup), both of
which you need to specify in the fields that become available with this
Note: If you select the Use Custom NTP Servers
option but leave either the
Server 1 or Server 2 field blank, both fields are set to the default NETGEAR
NTP servers.
Note: A list of public NTP servers is available at
Table 86. Time Zone screen settings (continued)
Setting Description