Manage Users, Authentication, and VPN Certificates
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
Edit Domains
To edit a domain:
1. Select Users > Domains. The Doma
ins screen displays (see Figure 197 on page 296).
2. In
the Action column of the List of Domains table, click the Edit table button for the domain
that you want to edit. The Edit Domains screen displays. This screen is very similar to the
Add Domains screen (see the previous figure).
3. Modif
y the settings as explained in the previous table. (You cannot modify the Domain Name
and Authentication Type fields.)
4. Click Apply to save
your changes. The modified domain is displayed in the List of Domains
Note: You cannot edit the geardomain default domain.
Configure Groups
The use of groups simplifies the configuration of VPN policies when different sets of users
have different restrictions and access controls. It also simplifies the configuration of web
access exception rules. Like the default domain of the VPN firewall, the default group is also
named geardomain. The default group geardomain is assigned to the default domain
geardomain. You cannot delete the default domain geardomain, nor its associated default
group geardomain.
When you create a new domain on the Domains screen (see the
previous section), a group with the same name as the new domain
is created automatically. You cannot delete such a group. However,
when you delete the domain with which it is associated, the group
is deleted automatically.
Note: IPSec VPN, L2TP, and PPTP users do not belong to a domain and
are not assigned to a group.
Note: Groups that are defined on the Groups screen are used for setting
SSL VPN policies. These groups should not be confused with LAN
groups that are defined on the IPv4 LAN Groups screen and that are
used to simplify firewall policies. For information about LAN groups,
see Manage IPv4 Groups and Hosts (IPv4 LAN Groups) on page 91.