Manage Users, Authentication, and VPN Certificates
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
6. Submit your SCR to a CA:
a. Con
nect to the website of the CA.
b. S
tart the SCR procedure.
c. W
hen prompted for the requested data, copy the data from your saved text file
(including “-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----” and “-----END CERTIFICATE
d. Sub
mit the CA form. If no problems ensue, the digital certificate is issued by the CA.
7. Download the
digital certificate file from the CA, and store it on your computer.
8. Retu
rn to the Certificates screen (see Figure 210 on page 317) and locate the Self
Certificate Requests section.
9. Select th
e check box next to the self-signed certificate request.
10. Click the Br
owse button and navigate to the digital certificate file from the CA that you just
stored on your computer.
11. Click the Upload t
able button. If the verification process on the VPN firewall approves the
digital certificate for validity and purpose, the digital certificate is added to the Active Self
Certificates table.
To delete one or more SCRs:
1. I
n the Self Certificate Requests table, select the check box to the left of each SCR that
you want to delete, or click the Select All table button to select all SCRs.
2. Click the Del
ete table button.
View and Manage Self-Signed Certificates
The Active Self Certificates table on the Certificates screen (see Figure 210 on page 317)
shows the digital certificates issued to you
by a CA and available for use. For each
self-signed certificate, the table lists the following information:
• Name. The
name that you used to identify this digital certificate.
• Sub
ject Name. The name that you used for your company and that other organizations
see as the holder (owner) of the certificate.
• Seria
l Number. This is a serial number maintained by the CA. It is used to identify the
digital certificate with the CA.
• I
ssuer Name. The name of the CA that issued the digital certificate.
• Expiry T
ime. The date on which the digital certificate expires. You should renew the
digital certificate before it expires.
To delete one or more self-signed certificates:
1. I
n the Active Self Certificates table, select the check box to the left of each self-signed
certificate that you want to delete, or click the Select All table button to select all
self-signed certificates.
2. Click the Del
ete table button.