10. Troubleshooting
This chapter provides troubleshooting tips and information for the VPN firewall. After each
problem description, instructions are provided to help you diagnose and solve the problem. For
the common problems listed, go to the section indicated.
• Is the
VPN firewall on?
Go to Basic Functioning on p
age 385.
• Ha
ve I connected the VPN firewall correctly?
Go to Basic Functioning on p
age 385.
• I can
not access the VPN firewall’s web management interface.
Go to Troubleshoot the Web Management Interface on
page 386.
• A time
-out occurs.
Go to When You Enter a URL or IP Address, a Time-Out Error Occurs on p
age 387.
• I can
not access the Internet or the LAN.
Go to Troubleshoot the ISP Connection on
page 388.
• I have problems with
the IPv6 connection.
Go to Troubleshooting the IPv6 Connection on p
age 389
• I have problems with
the LAN connection.
Go to Troubleshoot a TCP/IP Network Using a Ping Utility on
page 392.
• I want to clea
r the configuration and start over again.
Go to Restore the Default Configuration and Password o
n page 393.
• The da
te or time is not correct.
Go to Address Problems with Date and Time o
n page 395.
• I need
more information.
Go to Access the Knowledge Base and Documentation on
page 395.