
Monitor System Access and Performance
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
VLAN Status Screen
The VLAN Status screen displays information about the VLANs that are enabled. Disabled
VLANs are not displayed. For information about enabling and disabling VLANs, see Assign
and Manage VLAN Profiles o
n page 81.
To view the status of the IPv4 VLANs:
Select Monitoring > Route
r Status > VLAN Status. The VLAN Status screen displays:
Figure 235.
IP Address The IPv4 address of the WAN port. For information about configuring the IPv4 address
of the WAN port, see Configure the IPv4 Internet Connection and WAN Settings on
page 28.
IPv6 Address The IPv6 address and prefix length of the W
AN port. For information about configuring
the IPv6 address and prefix length of the WAN port, see Configure the IPv6 Internet
Connection and WAN Settings on
page 51.
Subnet Mask The IPv4 subnet mask of the WAN port. For information about configuring the subnet
mask of the WAN port, see Configure the IPv4 Internet Connection and WAN Settings
on page 28.
Gateway The IPv4 address of the gateway.
These IPv4 settings are either
obtained dynamically from your ISP
or specified by you on the WAN IPv4
ISP Settings screen (see Manually
Configure an IPv4 Internet
Connection on page 33).
Primary DNS The IPv4 address of the primary DNS server.
Secondary DNS The IPv4 address of the secondary DNS server.
MAC Address The default MAC address for the port or the MAC
address that you have specified on
the WAN Advanced Options screen for the port. For information about configuring the
MAC address, see Configure Advanced WAN Options and Other Tasks on
page 67.
Gateway (IPv6) The IPv6 address of the gateway.
These IPv6 settings are either
obtained dynamically from your ISP
or specified by you on the WAN IPv6
ISP Settings screen (see Configure
a Static IPv6 Internet Connection on
page 57 or Configure a PPPoE IPv6
Internet Connection on page 60).
Primary DNS (IPv6) The IPv6 address of the primary DNS server.
Secondary DNS (IPv6) The IPv6 address of the secondary DNS server.
Table 92. Detailed Status screen information (continued)
Item Description