
Monitor System Access and Performance
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
The following table explains the fields of the Detailed Status screen:
Table 92. Detailed Status screen information
Item Description
LAN Port Configuration
The following fields are shown for each of the LAN ports.
VLAN Profile The name of the VLAN profile that you assigne
d to the LAN port on the LAN Setup
screen (see Assign and Manage VLAN Profiles on page 81). If the VLAN is not
enabled on this port, the default profile (with VLAN ID 1) is assigne
d automatically.
VLAN ID The VLAN ID that you assigned to the LAN port on the Add VLAN Profile screen (see
Configure a VLAN Profile on page 83). If the default VLAN profile is used, the VLAN ID
is 1, which means that all tagged and un
tagged traffic can pass on the LAN port.
MAC Address The MAC address for this port. Note the following about the LAN MAC address:
• All LAN ports that are part of the default
VLAN share the same default MAC address
(00:00:00:00:00:01), unless you have specified that each VLAN needs to be
assigned a unique MAC address (see Configure VLAN MAC Addresses and LAN
Advanced Settings o
n page 88).
• LAN ports that have an IPv4 address that differs from the default VLAN can still
share the same MAC address as the default VLAN.
• LAN port 4 can be assigned as the DMZ port, in
which case its default MAC address
is 00:00:00:00:00:06. For information about configuring the DMZ port, see Enable
and Configure the DMZ Port for IPv4 and IPv6 Traffic on p
age 109.
IP Address The IPv4 address for the LAN port. If the port is part of the default VLAN, the IP
address is the default LAN IP address ( For information about configuring
VLAN profiles, see Configure a VLAN Profile on
page 83.
Subnet Mask The subnet mask for the LAN port. If the port is part of the default VLAN, the subnet
mask is the default LAN IP subnet mask ( For information about
configuring VLAN profiles, see Configure a VLAN Profile o
n page 83.
DHCP Status The status of the IPv4 DHCP server for the VLAN (Enabled or Disabled). For
information about enabling DHCP for VLANs, see Configure a VLAN Profile on
page 83.
LAN IPv6 Configuration
IPv6 Address The IPv6 address and prefix length for the LAN.
For information about configuring
the IPv6
LAN, see DHCPv6 Server
Options on page 98 and Configure
the IPv6 LAN on page 99.
DHCP Status The status of the DHCPv6 server for the LAN
led or Disabled).
Primary DNS Server
The IPv6 address of the primary DNS server for
the LAN.
Secondary DNS Server
The IP address of the secondary DNS server for
the LAN.