EPSON Stylus Pro 7000 Revision B
Disassembly & Assembly Disassembly Flow 130
5. Remove one screw (CP(W) M3x6) securing the damper holder, unhook
the ink tubes from the damper holder, and then remove the damper
Figure 4-34. Damper Holder
6. Pull out the dampers. To pull out the dampers, place the tip of a flat-head
screwdriver or similar tool under the protrusion on the left side of a
damper and steady the damper with the forefinger of your other hand.
Gently but firmly pull the damper straight out.
Figure 4-35. Damper Removal
Ink tubes
Ink tubes
If you only need to replace one head, you only need to perform
the following steps in regards to that printhead.
B head = left side; B, C, M
C head = right side; LC, LM, Y
Do not squeeze the dampers and try to only touch the edges of
the dampers. If pressure is applied to the middle of the
dampers, the ink inside will squirt out.
C head
B head