Chapter 3, Description of Screens
Call Control Screens
The messages which can be viewed are:
• Reverse Control Channel Messages for Paging, Origination, Orders, and Order
• RECCW A - Word A - Abbreviated Address Word
• RECCW B - Word B - Extended Address Word
• RECCW C - Word C - Serial Number Word
• RECCW D - Word D - First Word of the Called-Address
• RECCW E - Word E - Second Word of the Called-Address
• Reverse Voice Channel Messages for Order Confirmation.
• RVCOrdCon - Reverse Voice Channel Order Confirmation Message
• Reverse Control Channel Authentication Messages.
• BSChalOrd - Word C - Base Station Challenge Word
• AuthWORD - Word C - Authentication Word
• UniqChCon - Word C - Unique Challenge Order Confirmation Word
• Reverse Voice Channel Authentication Messages.
• RVCOrd - Word one - Reverse Voice Channel Generic Order
• RVCBSChal - Word 2 - Reverse Voice Channel Base Station Challenge Order
• NAMPS Reverse Voice Channel Messages.
• NRVC Ord - Narrow Order or Order Confirmation Message
• MRI Ord - MRI Order message
The field descriptions for each of the decoded messages are given in the Display
field description, on page 232.
When the CALL DATA screen is displayed and the Call Processing Subsystem is
in the connected state, the Test Set constantly monitors the mobile station’s
transmitted carrier power. If the power falls below 0.0005Watts, the error message
RF Power Loss indicates loss of Voice Channel will be displayed
and the Test Set will terminate the call and return to the active state.
NOTE: In order to ensure that the Test Set makes the correct decisions regarding the presence of the
mobile stations’s RF carrier, the Test Set’s RF power meter should be zeroed before using the
Call Processing Subsystem. Failure to zero the power meter can result in erroneous RF power