Chapter 4, Description of Fields
Release Time
This field displays the time period between the -20 dB and -3 dB points of the
falling edge of an ensemble average of CDMA RF bursts. This field will display a
value only after a gated power measurement is made.
GPIB Example
queries the CDMA gated power release time.
Operating Considerations
When a mobile station is operating in variable data rate transmission mode, the
RF power is gated on during randomized 1.25 ms periods. During a CDMA Gated
Power measurement the Test Set analyzes an ensemble of gated-on periods,
referred to as bursts. The number of bursts used is controlled by the
field on page 178
The release time represents the slope of the falling edge of the RF power, which is
required to conform to a transmission envelope “mask”. This mask is displayed on
the CDMA Gated Power screen and shows graphically whether the burst is within
the limits specified in test standards. The Release Time field provides a
convenient way to observe or programmatically query the time period of the
burst’s falling edge.
Screens Where Field is Present