Chapter 1, Description of Keys
Local returns the instrument to manual control after GPIB control is used, except
when the Test Set is in local-lockout mode. The Test Set returns to Local operation
(full front-panel control) when either the Go To Local (GTL) bus command is
received, the front-panel Local key is pressed or the REN line goes false. When
the Test Set returns to local mode the output signals and internal settings remain
unchanged, except that triggering is reset to “repetitive” and settling is reset to
“full”. The Local key will not function if the Test Set is in the local lockout mode.
Programming Local
Using HP
BASIC, the statement LOCAL returns all specified devices to their
local state.
puts the device at address 14 in local mode.
Low limit, High limit
Press and release the Shift key, then the down-arrow key to access the low limit
function. Press and release the Shift key, then the up-arrow key to access the high
limit function. These functions are used to set measurement endpoints. Exceeding
the end points causes screen prompts to blink until they are reset.
Programming High Limit and Low limit
The High Limit and Low limit data functions are used to define a measurement
“window” which can be used to detect measured values which are outside the
defined limits. The GPIB commands :HLIMit (high limit) and :LLIMit (low limit)
are used to set these data functions programmatically.