Chapter 4, Description of Fields
AFGen2 To
This field has two fields:
• the upper field sets the destination port for Audio Frequency Generator 2
• FM -RF Generator FM modulator
• AM -RF Generator AM modulator
• Audio Out -AUDIO OUT connector on front panel of Test Set
• the lower field sets the:
• FM modulation deviation if the upper field set to FM
• AM modulation depth if the upper field set to AM
• amplitude of audio signal (volts RMS) at the AUDIO OUT connector if upper field
is set to Audio Out
For testing mobile stations, the upper field is normally set to FM, and the lower
field set to the desired FM deviation in kHz.
The output level is the peak value for each tone pair, regardless of the
Twist and
Pre-Emp settings.
Operating Considerations
This is a priority control field. Accessing the RX TEST or TX TEST screen
overrides any changes made to this field in other screens.
Screens Where Field is Present