Chapter 4, Description of Fields
Band Class
The Band Class field is displayed on the CDMA CALL CONTROL screen when
"Protocol" field on page 346 is set to TIA/EIA-95B and the "RF Chan Std"
field on page 365
is set to USER-DEF. This field allows entry of the
BAND_CLASS parameter.
The range of values that can be entered in this field is 0 to 4.
GPIB Example
sets the BAND_CLASS parameter to 0.
Operating Considerations
The value entered in the Band Class field affects Test Set operation only when the
"Protocol" field on page 346 is set to TIA/EIA-95B and the "RF Chan Std" field on
page 365
is set to USER-DEF.
The BAND_CLASS parameter, which affects forward channel messages, is a
function of Protocol and RF Chan Std field settings.
When the RF Chan Std field is set to USER-DEF (user defined) the user is
expected to select one of the five available values.
If BAND_CLASS 0, 2, or 3 is selected:
"Nom Pwr Ext" field on page 312
field is removed from the CDMA CELL SITE
• The offset power used to calculate
"Ideal Mobile Power" field on page 273
is set to
-73, and
• The Neighbor List Message is sent on the Paging channel (not the Extended Neighbor
List Message), and
•The BASE_CLASS field in the System Parameters message on the Paging channel is
set to 0 (Public Macrocellular System)
If BAND_CLASS 1 or 4 is selected:
"Nom Pwr Ext" field on page 312
field is displayed on the CDMA CELL SITE
• The offset power used to calculate "Ideal Mobile Power" field on page 273 is set to
-76, and
• The Extended Neighbor List Message is sent on the Paging channel (not the Neighbor
List Message), and
•the BASE_CLASS field in the System Parameters message on the Paging channel is
set to 1 (Public PCS System)