Chapter 4, Description of Fields
Lower Limit
This field is used to set the lower limit to be compared with the measured results.
If the measured result is below this limit, the test will fail.
Screens Where Field is Present
TESTS (Pass/Fail Limits)
Lvl (CDMA Gated Power)
This field displays the level at the CDMA gated power measurement marker,
relative to the measurement’s ensemble average output power.
GPIB Example
queries the level at the current marker position.
Operating Considerations
CDMA gated power level measurements are generated by the Test Set’s DSP. The
accuracy of the level measurement will match the accuracy of the channel power
The resolution of the measurements varies depending on which part of the graph
the marker is located on. Each display pixel in the higher resolution areas at the
rising and falling edges represents 1 DSP sample period, or 203.45 nS. Display
pixels in the lower resolution areas at the middle portion of the signal are 58 DSP
sample periods, or 11.8 microseconds each.
See Also
Marker Time (CDMA Gated Power)
field description, on page 289
Screens Where Field is Present