Chapter 4, Description of Fields
RF Cnt Gate
RF counter gate specifies how long the RF counter samples the signal before
displaying the frequency. Specifying a shorter gate time may enable you to see
frequency fluctuations that might not be seen using a longer gate time.
Screens Where Field is Present
RF Display
This field selects the format for entering the RF Generator’s and RF Analyzer’s
• When Freq is selected, you enter the RF Generator’s and the RF Analyzer’s
frequencies directly using the keypad or knob.
• When Chan is selected, the RF Gen Freq and Tune Freq fields on all screens are
replaced by the RF Channel field, and only the channel number is entered and
Operating Considerations
Channel tuning eliminates the need to enter transmit and receive frequencies
directly into the Test Set. Once your radio’s RF channel standard is selected, you
only have to enter the channel number to automatically set the RF Generator and
RF Analyzer to the correct frequencies.
See Also
RF Chan Std
field description, on page 365
Screens Where Field is Present