Chapter 4, Description of Fields
Programming Example for Authentication Data Table
10 RE-SAVE "c:\E8285A\auth.txt"
20 ON TIMEOUT 7,14 GOTO 500
30 CLEAR 714
40 !Enter Authentication Data Table into a string variable
50 DIM Data$[100]
60 OUTPUT 714;"cdma:auth:data?"
70 ENTER 714;Data$
80 !Determine position values for each comma
90 Comma1=POS(Data$[1],",")
100 Comma2=POS(Data$[Comma1+1],",")+Comma1
110 Comma3=POS(Data$[Comma2+1],",")+Comma2
120 !Evaluate the first data position, Authentication Type
130 Type$=Data$[Comma1-1,Comma1-1]
140 SELECT Type$
150 CASE "1"
160 PRINT "Registration with Authen: "
170 CASE "2"
180 PRINT "Page with Authen: "
190 CASE "3"
200 PRINT "Origination with Authen: "
210 CASE "4"
220 PRINT "Unique Challenge: "
230 CASE "5"
240 PRINT "SSD Update: "
250 CASE "-1"
260 PRINT "No ""Authentication Type"" returned"
280 !Evaluate the second data position, Overall Test Status
290 Status$=Data$[Comma1+1,Comma2-1]
300 SELECT Status$
310 CASE "0"
320 PRINT "Passed"
330 CASE "1"
340 PRINT "Failed"
350 CASE "-1"
360 PRINT "No ""Status"" returned"