Chapter 4, Description of Fields
This field is used to send an order type mobile station control message on the
forward voice channel to the mobile station. The orders available are:
• Change Power to Power Level 0 - 7
• Maintenance (put the mobile station in maintenance mode)
• Alert (alert the mobile station)
• MRI (mobile reported interference) request (NAMPS system type only)
The ORDER field is updated with two separate GPIB commands depending on
the selected system type. The commands are:
• :ORDER for system types AMPS, TACS, AND JTACS. This command is used to send
an order type mobile station control message to the mobile station. The Access
annunciator will light momentarily while the Test Set is sending the mobile station
control message.
A mobile station must be actively connected on a voice channel to the Test Set (that is,
the Connect annunciator lit) before attempting to send an order to a mobile station.
The query form of the command (that is, :ORDer?) can be used to determine the last
order sent to the mobile station using the :ORDer command.
:ORDer <’><order message><’>
ENTER 714;Last_ord_sent$
• :NORDer for system types NAMPS. This command is used to send an order type
mobile station control message to the mobile station. The Access annunciator will
light momentarily while the Test Set is sending the mobile station control message
The :NORDer command is used to send an order type mobile station control message
to the mobile station. The Access annunciator will light momentarily while the Test
Set is sending the mobile station control message.
A mobile station must be actively connected on a voice channel to the Test Set (that is,
the Connect annunciator lit) before attempting to send an order to a mobile station.
The query form of the command (that is, :NORDer?) can be used to determine the last
order sent to the mobile station using the :NORDer command.