Chapter 4, Description of Fields
E This field displays the extended address word received from the mobile.
• Set to ‘1’ if the extended address word is sent.
• Set to ‘0’ if the extended address word is not sent.
This field displays the first word indication received from the mobile station.
• A ‘1’ indicates that this is the first word.
• A ‘0’ is displayed for all subsequent words.
This field displays the local control field. This field is specific to each
system. The
ORDER field must be set to local control for this field to be interpreted
by the Test Set.
LT This field displays the last-try code field.
MIN1 This field displays the first part of the mobile identification number
received from the mobile station.
MIN2 This field displays the second part of the mobile identification number
received by the Test Set.
NAWC This field displays the number of additional words coming from the
mobile station.
OE The Odd/Even data field is used for adjacent channel protection.
ORDER This field displays the Order field and identifies the order type received
by the Test Set.
ORDQ This field displays the received order qualifier. The field qualifies the
order confirmation to a specific action.
Parity This field displays the parity of the transmitted data.
RANDBS This field displays the random number used in the SSD update
RANDC This field displays the 8-bit number used to confirm the last RAND
received by the mobile station.
RSSI This field displays the received signal strength over the last reporting
RSVD This field is reserved for future use.
S This field displays whether the serial number word is received from the mobile
• Set to ‘1’ if the serial number word is sent.
• Set to ‘0’ if the serial number word is not sent.