Chapter 4, Description of Fields
Power Meas
This field provides Average Power zeroing (when Average Power is selected)
and Channel Power calibration (when
Channel Power is selected).
• Calibrate
Refer to the Chan Power
field description, on page 197
• Zero
Refer to the Avg Power
field description, on page 178
GPIB Example
selects and calibrates the Channel Power measurement.
selects and calibrates the Average Power measurement.
Operating Considerations, Power Zero
The Power Zero field is displayed when Avg Power is selected in the Avg
Power/Chan Power
field. To zero Average Power measurements, select Power
. If the message “Zero degraded. Reduce generator level for best results"
appears, reduce or use the Yes On/Off key to reduce RF Power, which is the sum
of the Sector A, Sector B, and AWGN sources.
See Also
“Zeroing Average Power Measurements in the Calibrating the Test Set chapter of
the E8285A Application Guide
“Calibrating Channel Power Measurements” in the Calibrating the Test Set
chapter of the E8285A Application Guide
Operating Consideration, Calibrate
The Calibrate field is displayed when Chan Power is selected in the Avg
Power/Chan Power
field. To calibrate Channel Power measurements, connect
the DUPLEX OUT connector to the RF IN/OUT connector and select
A flashing
Uncal annunciator will be displayed below the Chan Power field when
the Channel Power measurement has not been calibrated for the frequency band
selected in the RF Chan Std field.