All of the following literature, with the exception of the Instrument BASIC User’s
Handbook, is shipped with the Agilent Technologies E8285A on a CD-ROM. The
Agilent part number of the CD-ROM is E8285-10004.
Unless a delete option is specified, paper versions of the Application Guide and
Condensed Programming Reference Guide are also shipped with each Test Set.
If option OBW is ordered, paper versions of the Reference Guide and the User’s
Guide will also be included with the Test Set.
Reference Guide (E8285-90016)
This guide describes the functions performed by each front panel key, front and rear
panel connector, and display screen and field. GPIB command examples for each dis-
play field are included.
User’s Guide (E8285-90018)
This guide provides a tutorial-style overview of operating the Test Set, including a sec-
tion designed to help you get started. Status reporting, IBASIC controller information,
and error message descriptions are also included.
Application Guide (E8285-90019)
This guide contains step-by-step procedures and programming examples for
calibrating the Test Set, setting up a call, and making measurements on CDMA
and AMPS mobile stations. Tips for increasing measurement throughput are
also included, as well as a procedure for logging protocol messages.
Condensed Programming Reference Guide (E8285-90020)
This pocket-sized guide contains a complete listing of GPIB commands, along
with a cross-reference between front-panel display fields and the corresponding
Assembly Level Repair (E8285-90033)
This guide includes procedures for performing periodic adjustments, verifying
performance, troubleshooting, and repairing the Test Set. Block diagrams and a
list of replaceable parts are also included.
1. Part numbers listed are Agilent Technologies part numbers unless otherwise stated.