Chapter 3, Description of Screens
TESTS Screens
TESTS (Main Menu)
Figure 42 The TESTS (Main Menu) Screen
When you press the TESTS key, you access the main TESTS screen. The other
screens of the subsystem are accessed using the
• Main Menu is used to load a test procedure from a disk, RAM, ROM, or memory card.
It is also used to access the other screens in the Tests Subsystem.
• Channel Information is used to specify transmitter and receiver frequency
information for the radio being tested and to enter squelch and signaling information.
• Test Parameters is used to tell the Test Set the requirements of the test system for
testing your radio.
• Order of Tests is used to define a test sequence from a list of possible tests.
• Pass/Fail Limits is used to specify the upper and lower limits for each test point.
If a limit is violated during a test, an F appears next to the test value to indicate a failure.
• Save/Delete Procedure is used to save and delete test procedures.
• Execution Conditions is used to control which test results are output and where
the results are printed (CRT/printer). This screen also controls whether tests run
continuously or singly, and whether the test continues or stops after a failure is detected.
• External Devices is used to specify what types of external equipment are
connected to the Test Set and their addresses. It is also used to specify where to store
test result data.
• Printer Setup is used to control which test results are output and where the results
are printed. This screen is also used for basic formatting of the printout (lines per page
and form feeds). Printer port and printer model number are also chosen on this screen.
• IBASIC Cntrl is used to run IBASIC programs. This screen is also used as a stand-
alone IBASIC computer. See the Instrument BASIC Programmer’s Handbook for
information about writing your own tests for the Test Set.