Enter password
Type the password in the Password field,
re-type it in the Retype password field
and click OK.
Once you have set the password, you will
be asked for it whenever you want to
change the Acronis AntiVirus 2010 settings.
The other system administrators (if any)
will also have to provide this password in
order to change the Acronis AntiVirus 2010
If you forgot the password you will have to repair the product in order to modify
the Acronis AntiVirus 2010 configuration.
● Show Acronis AntiVirus News (security related notifications) -shows from
time to time security notifications regarding virus outbreaks, sent by the Acronis
● Show pop-ups (on-screen notes)- showspop-up windows regarding the product
status. You can configure Acronis AntiVirus 2010 to display pop-ups only when
the interface is in Novice / Intermediate Mode or the Expert Mode.
Scan Activity Bar
Show the Scan Activity bar (on screen graph of
product activity) - displays the Scan Activity bar
whenever you log on to Windows. Clear this check box if
you do not want the Scan Activity bar to be displayed
This option can be configured only for the current
Windows user account. The Scan activity bar is only available when the interface
is in Expert Mode.
16.2.2. Virus Report Settings
● Send virus reports - sends to the Acronis Labs reports regarding viruses
identified in your computer. It helps us keep track of virus-outbreaks.
The reports will contain no confidential data, such as your name, IP address or
others, and will not be used for commercial purposes. The information supplied
will contain only the virus name and will be used solely to create statistic reports.