No action will be taken on the detected files. After the
scan is completed, you can open the scan log to view
information on these files.
Take No Action
Removes the malware code from infected files.Disinfect
Deletes detected files.Delete
Moves detected files to quarantine. Quarantined files
cannot be executed or opened; therefore, the risk of
getting infected disappears.
Move to quarantine
Changes the name of hidden files by appending
.bd.ren to their name. As a result, you will be able
Rename files
to search for and find such files on your computer, if
Please note that these hidden files are not the files
that you deliberately hide from Windows. They are the
files hidden by special programs, known as rootkits.
Rootkits are not malicious in nature. However, they
are commonly used to make viruses or spyware
undetectable by normal antivirus programs.
Click Continue to apply the specified actions.
Step 3/3 - View Results
When Acronis AntiVirus 2010 finishes fixing the issues, the scan results will appear
in a new window.