wbk; wiz; pot; ppa; xla; xlt; vbs; vbe;
mdb; rtf; htm; hta; html; xml; xtp; php;
asp; js; shs; chm; lnk; pif; prc; url; smm;
pdf; msi; ini; csc; cmd; bas; eml andnws.
Only the files with the extensions specified
by the user will be scanned. Theseextensions
must be separated by ";".
Scan user defined
Scans packed files.Scan packed files
Scans inside regular archives, such as .zip,
.rar, .ace, .iso and others. Select the
Scan inside archives
Scan installers and chm archives check
box if you want these types of files to be
Scanning archived files increases the
scanning time and requires more system
resources. You can set the maximum size of
the archives to be scanned in kilobytes (KB)
by typing the size in this field Limit scanned
archive size to.
Scans inside mail archives.Scan inside e-mail archives
Scans the system’s boot sector.Scan boot sectors
Scans the memory for viruses and other
Scan memory
Scans registry entries.Scan registry
Scans cookie files.Scan cookies
● Action options. Specify the actions to be taken on each category of detected
files using the options in this category.
To set a new action, click the current First action and select the desired option
from the menu. Specify a Second action that will be taken in case the first one
▶ Select the action to be taken on the infected files detected. The following options
are available: