.doc; .dot; .xls; .ppt; .wbk; .wiz; .pot;
.ppa; .xla; .xlt; .vbs; .vbe; .mdb; .rtf;
.htm; .hta; .html; .xml; .xtp; .php;
.asp; .js; .shs; .chm; .lnk; .pif; .prc;
.url; .smm; .pdf; .msi; .ini; .csc; .cmd;
.bas; .eml and .nws.
Only the files with the extensions specified
by the user will be scanned. Theseextensions
must be separated by ";".
Scan user defined
Scans for riskware. Detected files will be
treated as infected. The software that
Scan for riskware
includes adware components might stop
working if this option is enabled.
Select Skip dialers and applications from
scan and/or Skip keyloggers from scan if
you want to exclude these kinds of files from
Scans only files that have not been scanned
before or that have been changed since the
Scan only new and changed
last time they were scanned. By selecting this
option, you may greatly improve overall
system responsiveness with a minimum
trade-off in security.
Scans the system’s boot sector.Scan boot sectors
The accessed archives will be scanned. With
this option on, the computer will slow down.
Scan inside archives
You can set the maximum size of archives to
be scanned (in kilobytes, type 0 if you want
all archives to be scanned) and the maximum
archive depth to scan.
Select from the drop-down menu the first
action to take on infected and suspicious files.
First action
In casean infected file is detected, the access
to this will be denied.
Deny access and
Removes the malware code from infected
Disinfect file
Deletes infected files immediately, without
any warning.
Delete file