Scheduling Scan Tasks
With complex tasks, the scanning process will take some time and it will work best
if you close all other programs. That is why it is best for you to schedule such tasks
when you are not using your computer and it has gone into the idle mode.
To see the schedule of a specific task or to modify it, right-click the task and select
Schedule. If you are already in a task's Properties window, select the Scheduler
tab. The following window will appear:
You can see the task schedule, if any.
When scheduling a task, you must choose one of the following options:
● No - launches the task only when the user requests it.
● Once - launches the scan only once, at a certain moment. Specify the start date
and time in the Start Date/Time fields.
● Periodically - launches the scan periodically, at certain time intervals(minutes,
hours, days, weeks, months) starting with a specified date and time.
If you want the scan to be repeated at certain intervals, select Periodically and
type in the Every edit box the number of minutes/hours/days/weeks/ months
indicating the frequency of this process. You must also specify the start date and
time in the Start Date/Time fields.
● On system startup - launches the scan at the specified number of minutes after
a user has logged on to Windows.