● File Activity - Indicates the evolution of the number of objects scanned by Acronis
AntiVirus 2010 Antimalware. The height of the bar indicates the intensity of the
traffic during that time interval.
16.1.1. Overall Status
This is where you can find out the number of issues affecting the security of your
computer. To remove all threats, click Fix All Issues. This will start the Fix All Issues
To configure which modules will be tracked by Acronis AntiVirus 2010, click
Configure Status Alerts. A new window will appear:
Configure Status Alerts
If you want Acronis AntiVirus 2010 to monitor a component, select the Enable
alerts check box corresponding to that component. The status of the following
security components can be tracked by Acronis AntiVirus 2010:
● Antivirus - Acronis AntiVirus 2010 monitors the status of the two components
of the Antivirus module: real-time protection and on-demand scan. The most
common issues reported for this component are listed in the following table.
Files are not scanned as they are accessed by you
or by an application running on this system.
Real-time protection is